Ethics line

Behavior with integrity

Molynor ensures the prestige and integrity of the company and its workers in order to avoid possible crimes, for which it has voluntarily decided to implement a Crime Prevention Model based on compliance with Law 20,393 on Criminal Liability of the Legal persons. This model has been certified by BH Compliance (see certificate), who guarantees its correct operation.

In accordance with our organizational values, this line is an anonymous communication channel that facilitates information and reports, in a secure and confidential way, of those situations that conflict with morals and legality, in addition to alerting about possible fraud and cases of corruption. This initiative has, at the same time, all the safeguards to prevent its inappropriate and malicious use that seeks to injure or damage the honor of people.

How to make a complaint

The receipt of each complaint is strictly confidential, safeguarding the anonymity of the
complainant and the impartiality of the investigation
enter your complaint here

Situations to report

Among other cases, the system allows to report theft, illegal transactions, bribes, conflicts of interest, collusion, manipulation of sales commissions, sexual harassment, workplace or physical harassment, price discrimination, false billing that implies collusion, purchases for personal use, Inappropriate favoritism in promotions, improper acceptance or delivery of gifts, disclosure of confidential reports, terrorist financing and retaliation.

This line does not exclude the right that all people have to channel complaints directly to the company or relevant judicial bodies, either in person or in writing.

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